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Absolutely stunning to behold, Facets of Fire is the most significant innovation in natural diamond cutting in 100 years. The technology perfected by our diamond craftsmen unleashes a diamonds true potential by etching thousands of nanoprisms onto a beautiful natural diamond. The result – 300x more light perfmormance than an ordinary diamond. In other words, the most fire, sparkle and brilliance you will ever see in a diamond.

Recognized by the Gemological Institute of America and The American Gem Society as an advanced cutting technique, the Facets of Fire technology is protected by six national and international patents. You may also rest assured that every Facets of Fire Diamond is ethically sourced, conflict free and naturally mined, adhering to the strict global standards of the Kimberly Process and the Responsible Jewellery Council, both dedicated to eliminating all conflict diamonds.

Seeing is believing. Visit our booth to discover the Facets of Fire difference and play with fire.

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